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Mum + Child + Yoga + Pilates: Nurture Your Bond, Soothe Your soul

Rejuvenating Yoga Poses, Strengthening Pilates, & Mindful Moments for You & Your Family

Classes Tailored to You + Community + SElf-Care

Welcome to my Mum & Child Yoga & Pilates classes, a nurturing space where you can deepen your connection with your child through movement and mindful presence.


Sessions are designed to evolve with you, becoming more dynamic over time to help restore your strength and stamina. In Pilates, we incorporate tools like Pilates balls and weights to rebuild your core, tone your muscles, and strengthen your upper body. In Yoga, the postures transform into a playful interaction, encouraging a sense of unity and shared exploration between you and your little one.

Deepen your Connection:
Through playful interactions and shared experiences, watch your bond with your child flourish as they begin to recognize and appreciate your self-care routine and soothing presence. These moments of connection help nurture a lasting sense of security and closeness between you and your little one.

Rejuvenate your Spirit:
Each class is tailored to meet your individual needs, offering a balanced mix of challenge and support. Through targeted movements, you’ll rebuild core strength, improve flexibility, and increase stamina. The work we do together not only helps restore physical fitness but also boosts your energy and resilience, leaving you feeling empowered and ready to take on the demands of motherhood with confidence.

Discover Your Village:
Join a welcoming and supportive community of women and mothers, where shared experiences create meaningful connections. Here, you’ll find understanding, encouragement, and a sense of belonging as we navigate the journey of motherhood together.

A Journey of Rediscovery:

Together, we'll create a space for self-care and exploration. Through movement and mindful breath, you'll begin to reconnect with yourself, both physically and emotionally. It's a chance to rediscover the rhythm of your own heart, beating in unison with the precious heartbeat of your child.

Children of All Ages are Welcome! Read More About My Thoughts on Children in Our Yoga Classes. 

waves and sun
waves and sun


The Thanet Youth & Community Centre at NW5 4HD 


Tuesdays, from 11:30 - 1:00


Thursdays, from 11:30 - 1:00




On sunny days in Chalcot Square from 11:30 - 1:00.

Babies & Children are welcome in all my classes.




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Nurturing the Seeds of Self-Care:
On Children in My Yoga Classes 🌈

Yoga is a gift that keeps on giving, and at its core, it’s

about cultivating awareness and connection — with

ourselves, our bodies, and the world around us. ✨

Wouldn’t it be amazing to plant those seeds of self-care

early on?

That’s why I believe children belong in the yoga studio!

In my classes, I welcome families to practice together,

because witnessing the practice of mindfulness and

self-care can have a profound impact on a child.

Imagine the ripple effect – a child who sees their parent

taking a deep breath, focusing on their body, and finding

moments of calm, is more likely to embrace those

practices themselves.

Sure, there might be moments of wiggles or giggles (they are kids after all!), but that’s part of the journey. With open communication and gentle redirection, a little disruption can become a teaching moment – a chance to learn about patience, understanding, and the importance of being present in the moment.

Here’s the thing: Sometimes, we might feel a sense of needing to control the environment perfectly. But true growth often happens outside our comfort zones. Isn’t that part of the yogic journey too? Letting go of attachment to outcomes and embracing the present moment, even when it’s messy?

And for those watching who may not have children, or simply seek a distraction-free practice — I hear you! The beauty of Yoga is that it’s a practice for everyone, and I tailor my classes, public and private, to you. So, just let me know what you need.

But the reality is, distractions are a part of life. From our phones buzzing to the never-ending to-do list, learning to navigate them with grace is a core yogic skill. A yoga class with a little extra wiggle can be an incredible opportunity to practice staying present and focused amidst the “noise.”

Ultimately, creating a space of inclusivity is a gift to everyone. Let’s cultivate a practice that welcomes families and embraces the beautiful chaos of life.

I’d love to hear your thoughts! Do you think children belong in yoga classes? Let’s create a space where self-care is a family affair!

Yoga Mum, Devani, testifies to how well Ashley organises yoga classes for mums.

What Mum's Say

"I love our weekly yoga sessions with Ashley's guidance and instruction. She is super knowledgeable with the power of breath, with the asanas, with essential oils and with offering the balance of a strong engaging practice complimented with tranquility and peace. She holds the sacred space beautifully while our kiddo's run around without getting distracted and honors our needs as mom's to come in and out of the practice when needed to attend to our little ones. I am so grateful for our weekly practice together for both myself and for my son."
~ Devani


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  • Rejuvenating Yoga Poses, Strengthening Pilates, & Mindful Moments

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    15 British pounds

Before booking a class, please fill out your Student Health Questionnaire.

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Q&A + FAQs

QUESTION: What are these classes like? Can I really bring my child or children to your classes? ANSWER: YES. Children of all ages are welcome! It's all about Nurturing the Seeds of Self-Care 💜 Yoga is a gift that keeps on giving, and at its core, it’s about cultivating awareness and connection — with ourselves, our bodies, and the world around us. ✨ Wouldn’t it be amazing to plant those seeds of self-care early on? That’s why I believe children belong in the yoga studio! In my classes, I welcome families to practice together, because witnessing the practice of mindfulness and self-care can have a profound impact on a child. Imagine the ripple effect – a child who sees their parent taking a deep breath, focusing on their body, and finding moments of calm, is more likely to embrace those practices themselves. Sure, there might be moments of wiggles or giggles (they are kids after all!), but that’s part of the journey. With open communication and gentle redirection, a little disruption can become a teaching moment – a chance to learn about patience, understanding, and the importance of being present in the moment. Here’s the thing: Sometimes, teachers and parents might feel a sense of needing to control the environment perfectly. But true growth often happens outside our comfort zones. Isn’t that part of the yogic journey too? Letting go of attachment to outcomes and embracing the present moment, even when it’s messy? And for those reading who may not have children, or simply seek a distraction-free practice — I hear you! The beauty of Yoga is that it’s a practice for everyone, and I tailor my classes, public and private, to you. So, just let me know what you need. But the reality is, distractions are a part of life. From our phones buzzing to the never-ending to-do list, learning to navigate them with grace is a core yogic skill. A yoga class with a little extra wiggle can be an incredible opportunity to practice staying present and focused amidst the “noise.” Ultimately, creating a space of inclusivity is a gift to everyone. Let’s cultivate a practice that welcomes families and embraces the beautiful chaos of life. I’d love to hear your thoughts! Do you think children belong in yoga classes? Let’s create a space where self-care is a family affair!

QUESTION: Is this class suitable for beginners? ANSWER: Absolutely! This class welcomes beginners and experienced yogis alike. Modifications will be offered throughout the practice to cater to various fitness levels and stages of pregnancy/postpartum recovery.

QUESTION: What should I wear to class? ANSWER: Wear comfortable breathable clothing that allows you to move freely. For prenatal yoga, consider wearing supportive maternity activewear.

QUESTION: Do I need to bring anything to class? ANSWER: Please bring a yoga mat and a water bottle. If you have any yoga props you prefer to use, feel free to bring them along. I may also have some props available for use in the studio. Please also bring a blanket for your baby and any baby essentials (diapers, wipes, toys, etc.) For older children, consider bringing colouring books or something to read in the event they are not in the mood to join you in your self-care routine.

QUESTION: Can I bring snacks? ANSWER: Snacks are welcome (except for nuts) to keep your little one nourished. Please inform me of any specific allergies or dietary restrictions.

QUESTION: Can I bring my baby if they are crying? ANSWER: Absolutely! Babies cry, and it's perfectly normal in this class. I will create a supportive environment where you can attend to your baby's needs without feeling judged.

QUESTION: What if my child isn't interested in participating all the time? ANSWER: No worries! This is a time for you and your child to connect but it's also a time for you to take care of you. Sometimes, your baby may just want to observe or cuddle. I encourage you to follow your baby's cues and enjoy the class together however feels best. Sometimes your older child may participate for a moment and then get "bored." I encourage you to bring an activity they might enjoy independently such as a book, colouring book, etc. Handheld devices are welcome so long as they use headphones.

QUESTION: Do I need a doctor's clearance before attending? ANSWER: If you had a complicated pregnancy or delivery, it's always best to consult your doctor before starting any new exercise program.

QUESTION: Can my partner, family member, or carer bring my child? ANSWER: This class is open to all families and carers.

QUESTION: I have diastasis recti. Can I still participate in Mum & Child Yoga? ANSWER: Absolutely! My Mum & Baby Yoga classes are designed to be safe and effective for moms with diastasis recti. I am knowledgeable about modifications that can help you safely participate in the poses while strengthening your core. I recommend mentioning your diastasis recti to your doctor before starting the class and letting me know as well. This will allow me to tailor the exercises to your specific needs.

QUESTION: Will this class help me recover from childbirth? ANSWER: Mum & Baby Yoga offers gentle and strengthening movements and targeted poses that can help strengthen your core muscles, improve pelvic floor health, and promote overall recovery after childbirth.

QUESTION: How do I register for a class? ANSWER: First, fill out your student health questionnaire. Next, view the schedule and see if there's a class that works for you. If so, you can book from the website directly. If you'd also like to join our whatsapp group for postnatal, prenatal, mum & baby yoga classes, just reach out. I'll be happy to add you. Sometimes we meet up in other locations such as chalcot square on sunny days.

QUESTION: Will this class help me lose baby weight? ANSWER: While yoga can contribute to a healthy weight management approach, it's important to focus on overall well-being and healthy eating habits during postpartum recovery. Yoga can help you regain strength and flexibility, which can support your body's natural weight management processes.

QUESTION: How much does the class cost? ANSWER: I offer various pricing options for my Mum & Baby Yoga classes, including drop-in rates, class packages, and monthly memberships. In short, one 60-minute to 90-minute class is £15.



Nourish Your Body and Bond with Your Baby 

Motherhood is a transformative journey requiring change and adaptation. As your body prepares for birth, you deserve a practice that supports you holistically throughout every stage. Prenatal Yoga offers a space to connect with others, your baby, and your inner warrior. In my private or group classes, you'll explore nourishing and empowering asanas that strengthen your birthing muscles for a more confident and comfortable delivery, reduce common pregnancy discomforts like backaches and fatigue, and ignite your intuition and connect deeply with your growing baby. Additionally, each class incorporates mindful breathing techniques (pranayama) and mindfulness practices, historically used to manage labor pains and promote relaxation. This holistic approach fosters a sense of trust and confidence in your body's ability to birth. 


Nurture Your Well-being and Rejuvenate in Postnatal Yoga

Postnatal Yoga offers a dedicated space for you to unwind and prioritize your well-being after childbirth. In my private and group classes, I combine nourishing and strengthening postnatal asanas with mindful breathwork, leading to quicker physical recovery and a stronger sense of self. Physically, the class focuses on healing and strengthening deep core muscles, relieving back pain, and supporting the pelvic floor. Mentally, the lessons incorporate mindful breathing practices to enhance relaxation and promote inner peace. This practice also focuses on both physical healing and emotional processing, boosting intuition and processing emotions, memories, and experiences that arise with parenthood; equipping you to navigate the unique challenges and joys of new parenthood.


Embrace Support for a Graceful Transition

Menopause Yoga embraces the cyclical nature of womanhood, offering a supportive space for you to navigate the beautiful yet sometimes challenging transition of menopause.

Here's what you can expect:

Nourishing Movement & Breathwork: Gentle yoga postures and mindful breathing techniques help manage common symptoms like hot flashes, fatigue, and muscle aches.

Emotional Wellbeing: Yoga fosters self-compassion and empowers you to embrace this transformative stage with grace.

Strength & Flexibility: Yoga promotes bone density, improves flexibility, and supports overall strength for healthy aging.


A clickable image of a woman in meditation representing the healing power of Reiki Yoga Therapy
A woman's torso, mid situp, surrounded by workout equipment. Text: Personal Training sessions



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